Tag: Alan Clarke

High rise heat: focus on electric wet central heating boilers

High rise heat: focus on electric wet central heating boilers

With many areas turning to high rise buildings to combat ‘the housing crisis’, demand for electric wet central heating boilers is also on the rise. Alan Clarke, Technical Support Manager at Heatrae Sadia, discusses the benefits of these systems and why wholesalers should be recommending them. Despite a slow down in their construction in 2017, […]

Cylinder selection: what your customers need to know

Cylinder selection: what your customers need to know

When asked for advice about direct unvented hot water cylinders, it’s important for wholesalers to recommend well-made, high-quality, efficient, high-performance products. Alan Clarke, Technical Support Manager at Heatrae Sadia, explains more. Increased consumer demand for powerful showers and fast-filling baths means there is now an array of unvented hot water cylinders on the market – […]

A degree of change
By February 9, 2016 Read More →

A degree of change

2016 is set to be a landmark year for energy efficiency. With consultations on key incentive programmes and a commitment to the fifth carbon budget on the cards, the events over the next 12 months will play an important part in shaping the future of electrical and low carbon technologies. Alan Clarke from Heatrae Sadia […]